Embed a metapage in your React app
Live example
This live example shows how to embed a metapage in a React app.
First imports:
import { MetapageGridLayoutFromDefinition } from "@metapages/metapage-grid-react";
You can copy the metapage JSON (blue button) and paste in https://app.metapages.org/ to see the live app.
Live Editor
function ExampleEmbedMetapage() { const [definition, setDefinition] = useState(); useEffect(() => { (async () => { var resp = await fetch("https://app.metapage.io/dion/example-hello-world-b4dc42b55df94364a1ebac10e8e91f32/metapage.json"); var metapageJson = await resp.json(); setDefinition(metapageJson); })(); }, []); const onOutputs = (outputs) => { // This is where the metapage state changes, via metaframes setting // outputs and passing them to downstream metaframes. // You can intercept the data state changes for your own purposes // console.log(`Got outputs!! outputs=${JSON.stringify(outputs)}`); }; // hack to copy metapage JSON to clipboard const copyToClipboard = useCallback(() => { var textarea = document.createElement("textarea"); textarea.value = JSON.stringify(definition); document.body.appendChild(textarea); textarea.select(); document.execCommand("copy"); document.body.removeChild(textarea); }, [definition]); const CustomGridItemComponentLabel = useMemo(() => { return React.forwardRef((props, ref) => { return ( <div style={{ overflow: "hidden", padding: "10px", backgroundColor: "white", border: "1px solid lightgrey", width: "100%", height: "100%", ...props.style, }} className={props.className} ref={ref} > <h4 style={{ textAlign: "right" }}> <span style={{ padding: "2px", color: "lightgrey" }}> {props.children[0].key} </span> </h4> {props.children} </div> ); }); }, []); const onDefinition = useCallback( (def) => { setDefinition(def); }, [setDefinition] ); return ( <> <button onClick={copyToClipboard} style={{ backgroundColor: "#32AEE4", borderWidth: "0px", color: "#ffffff", fontWeight: 800, position: "relative", outline: "none", borderRadius: "6px", display: "flex", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center", cursor: "pointer", height: "30px", width: "120px", }} > Copy metapage </button> <MetapageGridLayoutFromDefinition definition={definition} onOutputs={onOutputs} onDefinition={onDefinition} Wrapper={CustomGridItemComponentLabel} /> </> ); }