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Run docker containers

You can run arbitrary docker containers as jobs within your metapage workflows.

These steps need to be set up only once, then you can run any docker image.


The public docker work queue service is currently for testing/demonstration purposes. Do not publicly share these workflows as others to run arbitrary docker containers on your infrastructure.


This service will soon be replaced with one secure for teams.

Run python via a docker container on your own computer


Requires familiarity with the command line terminal

Host requirements:

Steps (from

1. Generate a uuid for the job queue


If your terminal does not have this program, go to this page and copy the uuid:

2. Take the uuid generated, and start the worker process

Replace <uuid> with your generated one above

docker run --restart unless-stopped -tid -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /tmp:/tmp metapage/metaframe-docker-worker:0.1.2 --cpus=2 --queue=<uuid>

Now your local machine will run docker images on this unguessable queue.


Do not share this queue id, and do not publicly share workflows using this queue id.

3. Add a docker metaframe to your metapage

Create a new metapage:

Click “Edit” for edit mode

The metapage will initially be empty

This is how you can add metaframe components.

Add the “Run Docker Container Jobs” metaframe

Search for the docker metaframe, type “docker” in the search field, you should see something like:

Add the “Run Docker Container Jobs” metaframe, click on the “+ Add” button next to it

Switch to “View” mode

You can directly configure the metaframe this way

Add your queue id

Now time to add your queue id. Click on “Queue” the “Queue Key”

Enter in the uuid from above.

Congratulations! Now your local machine will run any docker containers you want.

4. Configure the docker container frame

Set the docker image to python


  • image: czentye/matplotlib-minimal:3.1.2
  • command:python3 /inputs/

Add a python script

Click the inputs tab

Click the + and name the new file

Edit the python script

Copy the script and save

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Fixing random state for reproducibility

ys = 200 + np.random.randn(100)
x = [x for x in range(len(ys))]

plt.plot(x, ys, '-')
plt.fill_between(x, ys, 195, where=(ys > 195), facecolor='g', alpha=0.6)

plt.title("Sample Visualization")
# # save instead of show because we are headless
print("Created image and sent!")

5. Add an image viewer to see the docker output

Edit mode

Search for “Image Viewer” and add

Edit the Image Viewer

Click “Show Image” and “Connect”

Connect all outputs to inputs

* means all.

6. Congrats you have generated an image

Do you want to save the image? See →

Files: upload, download, saving