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Inject URL paramaters: turn a metapage into a configureable view


This is for advanced users or teams


URL parameters allow you to customize metapages by passing configuration values through the URL. This transforms static metapages into dynamically configurable views without modifying the underlying metapage.

Example metapage

You can add URL search and hash parameters to the metapage url, and those parameters will be passed down to the metaframes. e.g.

This passes tag=abc to the container metaframes. One of those builds a docker image from a git repository from a git tag: abc :${tag}

Now the entire metapage is configured to point to a specific tag.

How to Use URL Parameters in Different Metaframes


Example metaframe

import { getHashParamFromWindow } from ''

const tag = getHashParamFromWindow("tag")

The above code block shows how to access URL hash parameters that are injected from the main webpage.


You can use this mechanism to define the exact git repo the docker image is built from.

Any $foo=bar URL parameter is accessible by:

The git URL

The docker command

The container env vars

All browser URL parameters are available to the container environment as environment variables, except the following, which are used internally by the container metaframe, and thus cannot be overridden: [ autostart, control, config , debug, definition, inputs, queueOverride, ignoreQueueOverride, job, queue]


User defined env vars is on the roadmap

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