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POSI Principles

The POSI principles are a set of goals to promote open scholarly infrastructure that guide the heart and direction of the metapage platform. Some aspects specific to our organization:

Governance: the metapage platform will seek to be a worker owned enterprise:

We aim to have transparent governance, with input and visibility from our users. The goal is to eventually convert the current LLC into a worker owned cooperative, or similar structure. A cooperative structure has the best chance of long-term survival and durability, which is one of our core values: users workflows will always run.

Sustainability: the metapage organization aims for financial growth

Based on services, not data or compute.

We specifically store data at cost, and provide computation resources, also at cost. We aim to make compute resources a commodity, so will never charge a computation “value add” beyond what it takes us to service scalable cloud infrastructure.

Insurance: metapage resources (workflows) will always run, even if the organization is wound down

We will save user data as long as there are resources, and will enable users to take their workflows with them, in their entirety, and run them simply with a public, open-source, static browser (that users can also take and fork).